Dear {Contact_First_Name},

We saw a beautiful manifestation of physics this month, with increased solar activity leading to a stunning aurora australis display, visible across southern Australia. More below.

I was delighted to see ARC Laureate Fellowships awarded to quantum physicist Prof Andrea Morello and “hidden physicist” Prof James McCaw.

The first national AIP Careers fair was held last Wednesday, running concurrently at branches across Australia. I attended the Victorian edition, held at RMIT, where a great turnout resulted in much networking and a real buzz in the air. See more.

We welcome Dr Karen Siu as the new AIP Operations Manager. In the coming months, Karen, who holds a PhD in X-ray physics, will be working to streamline many aspects of AIP operations. Read about Karen below.

“Physics in the Pub” is coming to Perth in July and Sydney in August. Details below on how to sign up to be a presenter! And on the outreach front, I’m off to Hobart later this month, to give a public lecture at the AIP TAS Branch on June 20.

Best wishes,

Nicole Bell
President, Australian Institute of Physics


The Southern Lights across Australia

We cannot predict when solar storms or flares will occur.

The recent intensification of the aurora australis in Earth's atmosphere over the weekend of 11/12 May 2024 caused much conversation and photo sharing.

The AIP's solar physicists and space science researchers have written a number of explainers:

Continue reading here.


Call for Physics Presenters

Can you get on stage at a pub and talk about your research, favourite equation, or some everyday aspect of physics? You have 8 minutes.

Physics in the Pub is coming to Perth 2 July and Sydney 27 August.

Nominations are open for presenters.

Click here for more information, to nominate, or register to attend.


Join the national AIP Executive

Would you like to grow your network across the Australian physics community and make connections across sub-disciplines?

The Australian Institute of Physics is looking for a new volunteer to join the national AIP Executive.

Each member of the exec focuses on one area, ranging from industry engagement, advocacy, the development of policy statements, to AIP finance and the day-to-day running of the AIP.

Read more and consider nominating here.


Meet our new Operations Manager: Dr Karen Siu

We welcome Dr Karen Siu to the role of AIP Operations Manager.

Karen holds a PhD in X-ray physics and has been an avid user of synchrotrons across Europe, Japan, the UK, and USA.

More recently, she has been working in research strategy and support across industry and academia.

Read more.


News and opportunities

The AAPPS-DCMP Young Scientist Award honours young researchers with excellent research achievements in the Asia-Pacific region. Nominations close 30 June. More info here.

Abstract submissions are open for the Quantum Thermodynamics Down Under (QTDU2024) conference in Brisbane on 12-15 November. Learn more about the conference and submit an abstract before 28 June here.

Nominations for the AIPNSW Community Outreach to Physics Award and $1000 prize close 5 July. This award recognises individuals who contribute to physics outreach and education and demonstrate passion for the study of physics in New South Wales. More information about the award here.

The Australian Dictionary of Biography recently published an article on Dr Joan Maie Freeman, an Australian nuclear physicist and the first female recipient of the British Institute of Physics’s prestigious Ernest Rutherford Medal and Prize in 1976. Read more about Dr Freeman’s life, including her contribution to Australia’s microwave radar during WWII.

The Federal and Queensland Governments will invest almost $1 billion into PsiQuantum to build the world’s first fault tolerant quantum computer in Brisbane. The Federal Government has also announced the $36 million Critical Technologies Challenge Program (CTCP) to develop innovative solutions to market-led challenges of national significance.

Australian Physics magazine is calling for technical article submissions. All members of the physics community are encouraged to contribute, especially early-career physicists. Australian Physics publishes work that has been peer-reviewed. Contact the editors:


                Upcoming events

                Introduction to Science Communication (at ASC2024)
                Perth | 17 Jun 2024

                Australian Science Communicators 2024 National Conference (ASC2024)
                Perth | 17-21 Jun 2024

                ANSTO particle accelerator tour, lecture, and dinner
                Sydney and Online | 18 Jun 2024

                AIP President Prof Nicole Bell Public Lecture
                Hobart | 20 Jun 2024

                Physics in the Pub
                Perth | 2 Jul 2024

                IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2024)
                Greece | 7-12 Jul 2024

                42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics
                Czechia | 18-24 Jul 2024

                XVIth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum Conference
                Cairns | 19-24 August 2024

                Physics in the Pub
                Sydney | 27 Aug 2024

                30th Anniversary of ASGRG conference
                Canberra | 2-3 Sep 2024

                STEM Education and Industry Forum
                Sydney | 30 Sep 2024

                Quantum Thermodynamics Down Under (QTDU2024)
                Brisbane | 12-15 Nov 2024

                WA Student Conference
                Perth | 15 Nov 2024

                8th International Conference on Quantum Techniques in Machine Learning
                Melbourne | 25-29 Nov 2024

                AIP Congress 2024
                Melbourne | 2-6 Dec 2024

                Are you running an event? Email the details to your branch chair or to be posted on the AIP website. Events on the AIP website are profiled in this monthly newsletter and shared through the AIP social media accounts.

                  Australian physics in the news

                  WA wheat town home to site where we measure the earth (Cosmos Magazine)

                  We saw one of the most powerful magnets in the Universe come to life – and our theories can’t quite explain it (The Conversation)

                  Physicists are grappling with their own reproducibility crisis (New Scientist)


                                  Jobs corner

                                  Each year, Physics World publishes Physics World Careers, a guide aimed at helping those with a physics background make informed decisions about their career path. Download a copy of Physics World Careers 2023 .

                                  We can provide a free link to your physics-related job or PhD opportunity. If you would like to advertise your job, we can feature more details and a picture for a small cost. Email Michael Schmidt for more information.

                                  Need help? Contact

                                  Contact us


                                  Thank you to our supporters

                                  Sent by Science in Public, on behalf of the Australian Institute of Physics, Send enquiries and contributions to Kieren Topp by the 20th of each month 

                                  Our mailing address is:
                                  Australian Institute of Physics
                                  PO Box 73, Parkville 3052, VIC Australia

                                  Thank you for supporting the AIP.

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