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Introduction To Science Communication

  • 17 Jun 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Pawsey Supercomputer Centre, Bentley, Western Australia

This is a WA based event at the Pawsey Supercomputer Centre, Bentley, Western Australia)

Boost your career with Science Communication

The cream of Australia’s science communicators are coming to Perth for a conference, and this is your chance to meet them and pick their brains.

If you are an early to mid career researcher (or not - all welcome to join us!) and would like to know more about how to get your science out there, then join us for a unique day of professional development. You’ll mix with scicomm professionals from around the country who are skilled in media, policy, graphics, presenting, displays, digital communication, and more.

This is not a science communication course, it’s a day about understanding and building partnerships with professionals - learning how the sci com industry works, what you can expect and how you can make the most of the resources around you, without re-inventing any wheels.

And you will walk away with some insights about communicating: perhaps a pitch, or a new technique; and we’ll have some journalists joining us so you can hone some of your new skills in a mock interview.

Then, join the wider Sci Comm community at the Conference Welcome at SciTech, that evening, to discuss the finer points. (Heck, why not come to the whole Conference! Deets at bottom.)


Where: Pawsey Supercomputer Centre

When: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday 17 June, 2024

How much: $60 ASC members; $136 ASC non-members.

Register here:

More Info:

This event is a satellite event to the Australian Science Communicators 2024 National Conference - Support | Connect | Grow  - at UWA, 17-19 June, 2024.


Social media - Dr Tom Carruthers: an amazingly successful campaign with the Australian Academy of Science launched Tom into a career as a private consultant. ASC National President, based in Canberra.

Talking to the public - Assoc Prof Jen Martin: The driving force behind UniMelb’s science communication training for academics, and also host of the long running radio show Let’s Talk SciComm.

Visual Communication and Design - Dr Kate Patterson: Medical researcher turned animator and designer - with some science writing along the way. Sydney-based Kate helps scientists turn the most complex words into beautiful pictures.

Learn how to use your voice and body to conquer nerves and connect with people, with Ali McGregor, from Questacon

MC, Introduction to Sci Comm - Dr Phil Dooley: Comms Manager at ANU Physics by day, freelance writer, videomaker, trainer, fringe-show and pub-night host by night.

Local stars Dr Heather Bray (head of UWA Sci Comm) and ASC WA President Rocky McGellin (ICRAR) will be on hand too.

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