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Physics in the Pub: Call for Presenters

31 May 2024 11:59 AM | Anonymous

Can you get on stage at a pub and talk about your research, favourite equation, or some everyday aspect of Physics? You’ve got eight minutes.

Physics in the Pub is coming to Perth 2 July and Sydney 27 August and nominations are now open for presenters.

Previous speakers have tried stand-up, rhyming couplets, demos, quizzes (and snappy powerpoints too)… What will you try?

The MC, Dr Phil Dooley, will have the crowd warmed up and ready for whatever you serve up.

We’re committed to diversity in our speakers - cultural, gender, age, niche of physics!

Email by Tuesday 4 June (for Perth) and 28 June (for Sydney) to get involved. Tell him a bit about yourself and what you plan to talk (rap, sing, dance) about.

When: 5.30pm for a 6pm start, Tuesday 2 July 2024
Where: UWA Tavern, Hackett Drive, Crawley
Cost: Free thanks to our generous sponsors

  • Forrest Foundation
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS)
  • ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics (CDM)
  • AIP WA Branch

Audience registrations essential:
Facebook event:

The Fine Print

1) Acts are limited to strictly eight minutes.
2) Available resources at the venue: powerpoint/keynote/PDF viewer, screen, mac, microphone, PA sound system, dimmable lights.
3) Participants need to inform us of their requirements for AV, sound, tables, power, etc before the night.
4) Presentations are displayed from laptop provided only, to prevent AV hiccups. We’ll assist with downloading material and testing in advance.
5) If you commit to presenting, you have committed to presenting. Excepting serious illness, death, or alien abduction, if you pull out you owe Phil a coffee and a seriously nice pastry.
6) There are limited slots available on the night: we will do our best to include as many participants as possible, selection will be based on showcasing a range of performances and experience.
7) There will be limited help available for setup and packup, for heavy or complicated equipment so please BYO roadies.
8) There will be photos and videos taken on the night – let me know if you do not want these shared on social media or used for future promotional purposes
9) Participants must ensure that the stage is clean and tidy for the next participant.
10) Remind Phil to buy you a drink on the night!

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