Promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community

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Our vision is to enhance Australia’s capacity in physics by supporting the increased engagement of under-represented groups in physics.

The mission of the Diversity and Equity Group In Australian Physics (DEGAP) group is to promote equity in physics, to advocate on people’s behalf, and to work towards removing impediments to their career advancement through cultural change within the discipline and via the advancement of policies.

SUPPORT: DEGAP members act as a point of contact and as a confidential source of advice and mentoring for under-represented physicists who have questions or concerns about career paths, about work/life balance, and about inequitable, inappropriate or uncomfortable situations that occur while studying or working.

ADVOCATE: DEGAP makes representations on behalf of under-represented physicists to academia, industry, and government, and works with these bodies to develop and identify opportunities for under-represented groups in physics.

CHANGE: DEGAP proactively identifies cultural issues that discriminate against under-represented groups in the physics workplace. DEGAP instigates programmes which educate the physics community about equity issues, and which attempt to remove barriers to career advancement, and which aim to eliminate structural impediments that may restrict the ability of under-represented groups to fully contribute to and/or engage in physics.

DEGAP 2023 Committee

  • Chair: Jodie Bradby (ACT)
  • Past Chair:Pegah Maasoumi (VIC)
  • Vice-Chair: Joanna Turner (QLD)
  • Secretary: Joe Hope (ACT)
  • National WIP lecture co-ordinator:  Helen Maynard-Casely (NSW) 
  • Data/Stats officer: Maria Parappilly (SA)
  • Committee:  Sarah Maddison (VIC), Jodie Bradby (ACT), Solmaz Saboohi (SA), Sophie Hollitt (SA), Olivia Samardzic (SA), Kirrily Rule (NSW), Cathy Foley (NSW), Sarah Kaiser (NSW) and Jacquiline Romero (QLD)

News and Upcoming Events

AIP Women in Physics Lecturer – promotes women in physics by having a woman of research excellence give lectures to high schools and universities around Australia.

Our blog – keeping you up-to-date with Women in Physics – Australia

Recorded Talks

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