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Public Fellows List

The below list is in alphabetical order by last name.

(Last Updated on 7 March 2025)

Name State
Dr Ian Allison TAS
Prof Hans Bachor ACT
Prof Clive Baldock NSW
Prof Ken Baldwin ACT
Prof Amanda Barnard ACT
Prof Stephen Bartlett NSW
Prof Murray Batchelor ACT
Prof John Bell QLD
Prof Nicole F Bell VIC
Dr John Bennett NSW
Mr Andrea Fielder Biondo WA
Dr David Graham Blair NSW
Prof Andrew Blakers ACT
Dr Krzysztof Bolejko TAS
Dr Bruce William Boreham ACT
Emprof Lindsay Botten NSW
Prof Peter Bouwknegt ACT
Prof Graham James Bowden Hampshire, United Kingdom
Prof Warwick P Bowen QLD
Dr Sydney Grant Boydell VIC
Prof Anthony Bracken QLD
Prof Jodie E Bradby ACT
Prof Igor Bray WA
Dr Ian Brown Ca, United States
Prof Gary Bryant VIC
Prof Craig Buckley WA
A/Prof Conrad Burden ACT
Dr Ronald Rion Burman WA
Prof Michael Burton NSW
Prof Iver Hugh Cairns NSW
Emprof Stewart J Campbell ACT
A/Prof John Dixon Cashion VIC
Prof Christopher Thomas Chantler VIC
Prof David Cohen NSW
Prof Jared H Cole VIC
Prof Richard Collins NSW
Prof Stephen Frederick Collins VIC
Prof Susan N Coppersmith NSW
Emprof Hans Coster NSW
Prof Warrick John Couch VIC
Prof Lawrence Cram ACT
Prof Dudley Creagh ACT
Mr Simon Critchley QLD
Prof Peter Daivis VIC
Prof Mukunda Prasad Das ACT
Dr Jackie Davidson WA
Prof Paul Davies Az, United States
Prof Bruce Dawson SA
Prof Martijn De Sterke NSW
A/Prof Simon John Devitt NSW
A/Prof Matthew John Dolan VIC
Prof Daoyi Dong ACT
Prof Peter D Drummond VIC
Dr Frank J Duarte Tn, United States
Dr John Colin Duggleby VIC
Dr Marcus Duldig TAS
Emprof Peter Dyson VIC
Prof Martin Andrew Ebert WA
A/Prof Cyril Edwards WA
Emprof Paul Julian Edwards ACT
Prof Ulrik Egede VIC
Prof Benjamin Eggleton NSW
Emprof Robert Elliman ACT
Prof Simon Ellingsen WA
Prof Joanne Etheridge VIC
Dr Ian Falconer NSW
Prof Lorenzo Faraone WA
Dr Leslie Keith Fifield ACT
Prof Miroslav D Filipovic NSW
A/Prof Trevor Roy Finlayson VIC
Prof Victor Flambaum NSW
Dr Catherine Patricia Foley NSW
Dr Richard Fox WA
Dr Jorgen Segerlund Frederiksen VIC
Emprof Ronald Bruce Gardiner QLD
Prof Karl Glazebrook VIC
Dr Michael Goldsworthy NSW
Dr Malcolm George Golley SA
Prof Evan Gray QLD
Emprof Anne J Green NSW
Dr Barry Green WA
Prof Min Gu Shanghai, China
A/Prof Chris Hamer NSW
Prof Peter Hannaford VIC
Prof Xiaojing Hao NSW
Dr John Harries NSW
A/Prof Trevor James Harris SA
Prof Alexander Heger VIC
Dr Robert Hewitt NSW
Dr John Higinbotham Scotland, United Kingdom
Dr Robin F Hill NSW
Emprof David John Hinde ACT
Prof Anita Wing Yi Ho-Baillie NSW
Prof Wayne Keith Hocking Ont, Canada
Dr Ralph John Holmes VIC
Dr John Humble TAS
A/Prof Gail N Iles VIC
Prof Paul Douglas Jackson SA
Emprof Ian Jackson ACT
Prof Chennupati And Vidya Jagadish NSW
A/Prof Brian William James NSW
Prof David Jamieson VIC
Prof Philip John Jennings WA
Prof Michael B Johnston Uk, United Kingdom
Prof Peter Johnston VIC
Prof Melanie Johnston-Hollitt WA
Dr Stephen Jones NSW
Dr David Jones VIC
Dr Robert Jones Nrw, Germany
Prof Alisher Kadyrov WA
Prof Deborah M Kane NSW
A/Prof Amanda I Karakas VIC
Prof Safa Kasap Sk, Canada
Prof Tien Kieu VIC
Prof Virginia Kilborn VIC
Prof Yuri S Kivshar ACT
Dr Ayse Kizilersu SA
Prof Patrick Kluth ACT
Prof Archil Kobakhidze NSW
Prof Zdenka Kuncic NSW
Prof Frank Larkins VIC
Prof John Charles Lattanzio VIC
Dr Martin W Lawrence NSW
Dr Jean-Michel Guy Le Floch Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Prof Derek Leinweber SA
Prof Geraint Francis Lewis NSW
Prof Roger Lewis NSW
Prof Klaus-Dieter Liss NSW
Prof Xia-Ji Liu VIC
Prof Yun Liu ACT
Prof Yuerui (Larry) Lu ACT
Prof Andre N Luiten SA
Dr Peter Lynam ACT
Dr Denis Lynch VIC
Dr Kenneth John William Lynn QLD
Prof William MacGillivray QLD
Prof Stefan Maier VIC
Dr Scott Martin NSW
Prof Andy McCallum Martin VIC
A/Prof Mariusz Martyniuk WA
Emprof Ian McArthur WA
Prof Dane McCamey NSW
Emprof David E McClelland ACT
Emprof Bruce Harold John McKellar VIC
Prof David Robert McKenzie NSW
Prof Christopher McNeill VIC
Prof Ross Mcphedran NSW
A/Prof Graeme Melville NSW
Emprof Frederick W Menk VIC
Dr Marek Tadeusz Michalewicz Mazovian, Poland
Prof Gerard Milburn Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Prof Anthony Moon NSW
Prof Michael Morgan VIC
Prof Michael Thomas Murphy VIC
Dr Anthony Bruce Murphy NSW
Mr David Narula NSW
Prof Jordan A Nash VIC
Prof David Neilson Antwerpen, Belgium
Dr Ian Newman TAS
Dr David Nicholls NSW
Prof Ron William Nielsen QLD
A/Prof John William O'Byrne NSW
Emprof John O'Connor NSW
Emprof Brian O'Connor WA
Prof Jaan Oitmaa NSW
Prof Brian John Orr NSW
Dr Frederick Osman NSW
Prof Kostya Ostrikov QLD
Prof David Ottaway SA
Prof Maria B Parappilly SA
Dr John Edward Pattison SA
Dr Konstantin M Pavlov Canterbury, New Zealand
Dr Andrew G Peele VIC
Dr Harry Perlman VIC
Dr Colin Maurice Perrott Wa, United States
Dr Wayne Philp SA
Prof John Rayner Pilbrow VIC
Dr John David Pockett SA
Prof William S Price NSW
Prof Harry Morris Quiney VIC
Prof Jamie S Quinton Manawatu, New Zealand
Prof Stephan Rachel VIC
Dr Oliver John Raymond ACT
A/Prof Margaret Reid VIC
Dr Ivan Donald Reid Middlesex, United Kingdom
Prof Ann Roberts VIC
Dr Peter Robertson VIC
Dr Robert Robinson NSW
Prof Brian Albert Robson ACT
Prof Sven Rogge NSW
Prof Federico Rosei Quebec, Canada
Prof Gavin Rowell SA
Prof Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop QLD
Prof Kirrily Rule NSW
Prof Salvy Russo VIC
Prof Elaine Sadler NSW
Prof Soumitra Satapathi Uttarakhand, India
Prof Susan M Scott ACT
Dr Pat Scott QLD
Dr Peter Seebacher NSW
Prof Timothy John Senden ACT
Prof Martin Sevior VIC
Prof Manjula Sharma NSW
Prof Cedric Simenel ACT
Prof Michelle Yvonne Simmons NSW
Emprof Jai Singh SA
Prof Ian Hugh Sloan NSW
Emprof Geoff B Smith NSW
Dr Andrew Smith VIC
Prof Fj Paul Soler Scotland, United Kingdom
Prof Andris Talis Stelbovics WA
Prof Yury Stepanyants QLD
Dr Andrew W Stevenson VIC
Dr Andrew M Stewart ACT
A/Prof Glen Alan Stewart ACT
Prof Andrew Stuchbery ACT
Prof Oleg Sushkov NSW
Prof Peter Charles Tandy Ohio, United States
Prof Anthony Thomas Ac SA
Prof John C Thomas SA
Prof George Thompson Trieste, Italy
Dr James Robert William Thyer VIC
Prof Michael Edmund Tobar WA
Prof Billy Todd VIC
Prof Cathryn Trott WA
Prof Emmanuel Tsesmelis Ge, Switzerland
A/Prof Muhammad Usman VIC
Prof Ilias M Vardavas Crete, Greece
Prof Kevin Ernest Varvell NSW
Prof Peter J Veitch SA
Prof Raymond Volkas VIC
Dr Richard Robert Walding QLD
Prof Xiaolin Wang NSW
Prof Feng Wang VIC
Prof Jingbo Wang WA
Prof Rachel L Webster VIC
Emprof Erich Weigold SA
Prof Linqing Wen WA
Prof Michael Scott Wheatland NSW
Prof Martin John White SA
Prof Anthony Gordon Williams SA
Prof James Stanislaus Williams ACT
Dr Gregory Joseph Wilson NSW
Dr David V Wyllie VIC
Prof Zongyou Yin ACT
Dr Dehong Yu NSW
Prof James Zanotti SA
Dr William John Zealey NSW
Prof Chao Zhang NSW
Dr John Zillman VIC

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