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zOOm into Physics

What is "zOOm into Physics"?

We put the cat among the pigeons - or, to be more precise, put the philosopher amongst the physicists - to stimulate a fun and thoughtful discussion on a different physics topic each month... and you are invited - to listen or, even to participate: with your thoughts or questions for our amazing panel.

zOOm into Physics is a monthly lightly moderated Zoom conversation with our resident panel and special guests. 

The session is 100% online and open to AIP members and the general public. Although there will sometimes be a little Physics, we aim to provide a thought-provoking, light-hearted and illuminating event suitable for the interested general public. (You DEFINITELY don't need to worry about it all going over your head!).

Participants are encouraged to join in the discussion - with their experience, their questions, or even to offer a contrary view! Participation can be via unmuting yourself and speaking or typing in the chat. The best way to get a sense of what it's about is to click on one of the recordings below.

Introducing the Panel

Our resident panel, also know as "The OK zOOmers" are accomplished speakers who love a good chat about science!

Tibor Molnar More about Tibor

Kirrily Rule More about Kirrily

Geraint Lewis More about Geraint

Ceri Brenner More about Ceri

Moderator: Scott Martin More about Scott

Ceri Brenner

Tibor Molnar

 Kirrily Rule

Geraint Lewis

zOOm into the Past

Number  Date  Topic  Information
 14 21/12/2022 How do Xmas lights go through glass?  YouTube Video
 13 27/7/2022  zOOm into Truth   
 12 22/6/2022  What is ENTROPY (part 2)?  YouTube Video
 11  25/5/2022 What is ENTROPY?  YouTube Video
 10 27/4/2022  What is Ball Lightning? 
9  23/3/2022 Is Veritasium right that electrical energy doesn't flow in wires?  YouTube video
 8 24/11/2021 The Physics of Christmas 
 7 27/10/2021 Where Physics Ends and Metaphysics Begins  YouTube video
 6  29/9/2021  The Dark Side Strikes Back YouTube video
 5  25/8/2021  The Dark Side of the Universe YouTube video 
 4  14/7/2021 The Future of Power Pt2   YouTube video
 3  23/6/2021 The Future of Power Pt1   YouTube video
 2  26/5/2021  All Things Lunar  YouTube video
 1  28/04/2021  Physics in Sci-Fi  YouTube video

Contact Details

zOOm into Physics is organised by Scott Martin - happy to consider recommendations for future topics (you could be a special guest!)

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