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zOOM into Physics 5: The Dark Side of the Universe

  • 25 Aug 2021
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Online

zOOm into Physics is a monthly lightly moderated Zoom conversation with our resident panel and special guests.

The session is 100% online and open to AIP members and the general public. Although there will sometimes be a little Physics, we aim to provide a thought-provoking, light-hearted and illuminating event suitable for the interested general public. (You DEFINITELY don't need to worry about it all going over your head!).

Participants are encouraged to join in the discussion - with their experience, their questions, or even to offer a contrary view! Participation can be via unmuting yourself and speaking or typing in the chat. The best way to get a sense of what it's about is to click on one of the recordings below.

Our universe is dominated by the dark-side, the dark matter and dark energy which have shaped the evolution of the cosmos. But just what is happening in the dark? And how can we be confident what is happening in the dark and that we are not just jumping at shadows?

This month we will tackle one of the biggest mysteries facing physics, the nature of the dark-side! Around the globe hordes of astronomers and particle physicists are devising new observations, experiments and theories to try and shine a light on dark matter and dark energy. But just what do we expect them to find?

Zoom meeting link or Zoom Meeting ID: 650 897 2112 Passcode: 101010

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