Promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community

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The AIP is dedicated to advocating on behalf on the Australian physics community on matters related to research, education, industry and the community.  We welcome enquires by email to

AIP Advocacy Actions

13 May 2024 - Submission to the Policy Review of the National Competitive Grants Program

1 April 2024 - Principles & Policies for International Scientific Collaboration

9 April 2024 - AIP-RACI-ASA joint feedback on Membership of the ARC Board

26 March 2024 - The AIP endorses support and up-skill of out-of-field maths teachers

7 November 2023 - Submission to Draft National Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy

19 September 2023 - ASA-AIP joint submission on the draft National Science and Research Priorities

1 August 2023 - Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report

9 June 2023 - Feedback to the Australian Council of Deans of Sciences. regarding Science Threshold Learning Outcomes

24 April 2023 - AIP responds to report on 'Australian Research Council Act Review'

5 January 2023 - Cosmos magazine article: Australian Institute of Physics response to national science review

14 December 2022 - Submission to the Review of Australian Review Council Act 2001

29 November 2022 - Feedback on changes to NSW Year 7-10 Sciences Syllabus

1 September 2022 - Open letter to ARC on the National Interest Test process & grant delays

18 August 2022 - AIP concerned about ARC National Interest Test process and grant delays

9 March 2022 - AIP President speaks at Senate inquiry to advocate for independence of the Australian Research Council (ARC)

24 February 2022 - Submission on the ARC Amendment (Ensuring Research Independence) Bill 2018

27 January 2022 - Joint Statement Regarding Ministerial Intervention in ARC Research Funding Decisions

8 October 2021 - Letter from the AIP, RACI, ASA and AustMS to ARC CEO regarding changes to ARC Pre-Print Policy

29 September 2021 - ARC Response Letter to Prof Sven Rogge, AIP President

24 August 2021 - Concerns about the new ARC "No Preprint" Rule

9 April 2021 - Submission on the University Research Commercialisation

17 August 2020 - Submission on “Job ready Graduates Higher Education Reform Package 2020”

4 May 2020 - Temporary replacement of face-to-face physics classes impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

AIP Advocacy News

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  • 1 Sep 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    We have recently submitted an open letter to the Australian Research Council (ARC) following reports from several of our members that their funding applications were returned to their institutions with requests to modify their National Interest Test (NIT) statements.

    The applications affected were for those for the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) and Future Fellowship. As a result, the announcement of outcomes for these awards have been delayed.

    Unexpected delays negatively impact the early- and mid-career researchers for whom these awards are targeted – especially the former, who rely on clear timelines for career planning.

    The NIT statements, which are a short summary of the research project proposed, is excluded from the peer-review process. There is currently no avenue for the applicant and their host institution to respond to the NIT assessment in their rejoinder.

    In the letter we published on 17 August, we express our willingness to support the ARC through consultation and feedback on the peer-review process since we believe a clear and transparent process is essential.

    Read our open letter here.

    AIP President Professor Sven Rogge was also recently interviewed by Campus Morning Mail regarding pre-prints, the role of the ARC, NIT statements, research translation and more.   

    Listen to his interview (Expert Opinion: Episode 11) here.

    Read The Guardian's coverage of the issue, which also quotes Prof Rogge, here.

  • 1 Apr 2022 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    AIP President speaks at Senate inquiry

    • Watch a recording of Prof Rogge’s presentation (14:35:40 onwards) here.

    Prof Sven Rogge speaking on behalf of the AIP at the 9 March proceedings of the Senate Education and Employment Legislation CommitteeProf Sven Rogge spoke on behalf of the AIP to advocate for independence of the Australian Research Council (ARC) at the 9 March proceedings of the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee.

    The Senate inquiry heard evidence from representatives of Australia’s academic and research sector as the Committee considered a bill to amend the Australian Research Council Act 2001 to prevent ministerial interference with grants approved for funding by the ARC.

    The bill was proposed in response to widespread outcry from the research community after  acting education minister Stuart Robert vetoed six ARC grants in the humanities on Christmas Eve last year.

    The STEM panel at the inquiry pushed the importance of the Haldane principle, under which funding bodies operate independently under rules defined by the government. The principle is implemented in the UK, Europe, and the US.

    “Ministerial interventions that threaten the autonomy and independence of scientific institutions and processes risk undermining the quality of Australia’s research and reflect poorly on Australia’s standing in the international community,” Prof Rogge said at the inquiry.

    He also emphasised the importance of clearly communicated and reliable timelines for funding decisions:

    “Arbitrary delays announcing grant outcomes jeopardise research projects linked with industry partners, leads to the loss of highly skilled early career researchers (ECRs) near the end of their contracts, and diminishes Australia’s international competitiveness.”

    The bill was ultimately defeated as of 21 Mar on the premise that ministerial power to block grants may be needed in instances of security or criminal intelligence that compromise Australia’s safety.

    The full report of the Committee can be found here.

    Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi, who spearheaded the bill, said: “Despite an overwhelming majority of contributors supporting the removal of the veto, the committee majority have relied selectively on evidence provided by a very small number of witnesses.”

    A united front from across academia and research

    Despite the disappointing outcome, the experience was a strong showing of the whole research and academic sector united with a vision of research independence.

    Prior to the inquiry, the AIP signed an open letter to oppose ministerial interference in solidarity with the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, the Statistical Society of Australia, the Astronomical Society of Australia, and Australian Mathematical Inquiry.

    Speaking alongside Prof Rogge on the STEM panel at the 9 Mar inquiry were Prof Mark Hutchinson and Ms Mischa Schubert from Science and Technology Australia, Prof Hugh Bradlow and Ms Kylie Walker from the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, and Prof Hans Bachor and Dr Stuart Barrow from the Australian Academy of Science.

    The full list of representatives from the academic and research sector who were consulted at the Senate inquiry can be found here.

    Photo: Screengrab from the 9 Mar Senate inquiry.

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Australian Institute of Physics advocacy
Physical sciences and the ARC

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